
What is the skin? Human skin Structure and Function

The Human Skin is the largest organ, helps to warm or cool your body, protects you from the outside elements, healthy-looking skin means a healthy inside body environment.

The person with acne has a lot of toxins build up inside the body and needs to be removed. Simply by consuming more alkaline food, with plenty of water and modern exercise the body will find a way to get rid of toxins.

The skin is like a factory, working all day every day 24/7. The function and structure of the human skin involve all of the layers as well as the anatomy of the skin.

The construction and composition of our skin tissue are known as Skin Histology. The functionality of living organisms is the study of Skin Structure.

The integumentary system and complexity are wonderful. All together layers, elements, and functions work to normalize and protect the human skin and body.

Human skin health appearance is the impact of the external and internal factors also the lifestyle you have, like nutrition, exposure to the sun, human hormones, aging, and so on.

What is Skin?

Human Skin is actually a cell-making factory with a lot of blood vessels, sweat glands, and numbers of nerves end in the system.

The integumentary system-the skin is the largest organ with a strong barrier created to protect from the external elements. To control and protect your body, the skin layers, nerves, hair follicles, glands, cellular functions interact together harmoniously.

The skin layers and its function define the complicated and perfect structural nature. Beautiful Healthy Human Skin normally is soft to the touch, very well hydrated, and smooth with some degree of acidity.

The thickest part of the Human skin is the soles of the feet and palms on the hands. The eyelids are the thinnest. All the appendages of Human Skin are nails, hair, sweat glands, and oil glands.

Skin Facts

Human Skin weight on the average person between 8 – 10 pounds. With one- half up to two-thirds blood vessels and one-half on the main immune cells.

Every Inch of the Human skin consists of:

•15 feet with blood vessels•155 pressure receptors
•650 sweat glands•100 oil glands
•Millions of cells•1,300 nerve endings
•12 feet from nerves•12 heat and cold receptors
•65 hairs

 Human skin Functions

Human skin includes six primary functions:

1. Protection.
2. Sensation.
3. Heat regulation.
4. Excretion.
5. Secretion.
6. Absorption.

 1. Protection

The Human Skin is a protective barrier from the outside elements, like from the small microorganisms, with numerous immunity process to keep the body safe from injuries. The most outer layer called Epidermis includes the sebum which provides skin protection.

The protective barrier forms the acid mantle (preventive lipids and secretions into the skin) made of lipids, sebum, sweat, and water forming the hydrolipidic film (hydro that means “water”, lipidic means “oil”, a hydrolipidic film is oil-water balance in the skin’s surface) to prevent the skin from becoming dry. The average acid mantle onto the skin is a pH of 5.5, the most important protective barrier to the skin.

Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) mean water loss in the epidermis by evaporation from the skin surface, and the skin barrier function keep and protect this water loss to the human skin. The lipids are so important because they can make up intercellular cement knowingly protective oils between epidermal cells.

If the barrier layer is damage then numerous skin issues can develop like dehydration, sensitivity, even aging.

The Human Skin is amazing because can repair itself from injure, protecting the inside organs from any infection or damage. The wonderful skin function is the main purpose to heal itself.

With the hyperproduction of cells and blood clotting, the human skin can restore very rapidly to the normal thickness.

The immune system has a big rule to activate protecting cells from any bacteria also producing more T cells to protect the skin from any infection.

Also, melanin plays a rule to protect the human skin from sunlight simply by increasing the melanin pigment into the skin.

2. Sensation

The Human Skin contains sensory nerves within the dermis which respond to cold, heat, pain, touch, and pressure. The feeling of touch can stimulate the effect of body function. When you get a massage or even when you apply lotion on your skin the connection between nerves and the brain creates physiologically change, these nerve ends are translated to the human skin like stimulating elements.

When your brain gets the message from the stimulation of the nerve ends instantly feels a very positive reaction which tries to change the whole body chemistry. Also, activate the muscles and other nerves making the body feel refresh, calm, relax, and extra present. The fingertips have the most sensory nerve fibers.

3. Heat Regulation

Depend on the outside environment and wether change the human skin will try to balance and help you warm or cool your body. The human skin temperature is 98.6F or 37C. In the body, the human skin contains sweat glands, and hair follicles to dissolve heat also keep the body from heating up. To cool down your body, the intelligence in your skin helps a lot with blood vessel dilation.

To protect your body from cold the same blood vessels contract and also reduce the blood flow. Also, at the same time the body’s fat layers warm and isolate your body from cold. The instant reaction can result in a “goosebumps” with activation of the arrector pili muscle in the hair follicle. Another body protection from cold is shivering like an automatic reaction to warm up the whole body system.

4. Excretion

When the human skin detoxify and perspiration is included all of the sudoriferous or sweat glands are activated simply by excretion extra salt and another chemical from the pores. The term follicles typically are hair or hairless follicles with oil glands attached to them. The acid mantle is a part of sweat and pores are openings for sweat glands.

5. Secretion

The skin and hair in the human body compound with sebum oil to protect and lubricate the whole surface. This sebum oil from the sebaceous gland keeps human skin soft and supple. The human skin on average contains approximately 50-70% water. The human skin mechanism is covert with sebum also to prevent any evaporation of water called transepidermal water loss TEWL to keep the water inside the cells and look hydrated. Any emotional or hormonal change can influence the flow of sebum to the skin, also a very relax and well-balanced lifestyle will keep the sebum in control and the skin will look healthy and flawless.

6. Absorption

The skin’s health is influence by the absorption of ingredients, water as well as oxygen. The human skin can absorb oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide.

The most important Vitamin which is absorbed from human skin simply by exposure to the sun called vitamin D to protect your skin cells from damage. The actual absorption into the skin happens from, follicles, pores, and cells. The external lotions and other products are absorbed by the skin from hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Usually, the lotions and creams have a bigger molecular size and the absorption into the skin is less than oils which have a smaller molecular size and absorbed into the skin very quickly and deeply, depending on the product ingredients the absorption will be characters simply by the size of the molecules.

To maintain your skin’s health, nourish, and protect select good products for your skin that will be helpful and absorb quickly. In today’s beauty products there are so many new discoveries and very advanced technology that produce more effective products to be absorbed by the skin much more easily.

Depending on the product ingredients with different chemicals the absorption to the skin can be harmful or beneficial, so make sure you choose the right product for your skin health with more natural ingredients.